TCVT-RA W4-01 Mobile crane operator

Mobile crane operator

Wolvertem, Belgium
5 days
Dutch / English


Learn how to operate a mobile crane safely and effectively.


Employees who have to work with a mobile crane and need a certification of the certificate W4-01 Operator Mobile Crane.

TCVT stands for Stichting Toezicht Certificatie Verticaal Transport; TCVT RA stands for TCVT Register Administratie. In the Netherlands, this certificate of professional competence is mandatory for crane operators.


  • Minimum age of 18 years;
  • Valid certificate of medical fitness;



  • Without experience: crane assessment test required
  • With experience: 5 days

Examination: 1 day
Refresher module A & B: 1 day
Refresher module C & D: 1 day
Language: Dutch / English


  • Role and responsibility of a crane operator;
  • Preparation for work;
  • Transport and manoeuvres;
  • Preparation of work on site;
  • Putting the crane into operation;
  • Performing lift work;
  • Finishing the job;
  • Knowledge and skills: safety and health;
  • Using a mobile crane for its intended purpose.


Refresher: There are 4 different modules, which may be taken in any order:

  • Combination module A & B – 1 day
    • Module A: Work preparation and execution
    • Module B: Hoisting equipment
  • Combination module C & D – 1 day
    • Module C: Safety and environment
    • Module D: Maintenance and troubleshooting


The certificate is valid for 5 years. The certificate can be renewed if all conditions are met:

  • Refresher:
    • The first day of training must be attended within the 36 months of the 5-year certification period.
    • The second day of training must be attended within the last 24 months of the 5-year certification period.
  • Practical experience:
    • Registration of the practical experience: in the period of 5 year of validity, must have worked at least 8 quarters in the function indicated on the registration, of which at least 2 quarters in the last 3 years.

As long as the crane operator continues to meet the requirements every 5 years, the certificate can be renewed at any time.


  • Maximum number of participants: 2 per crane
  • Maximum number of participants: 8 in refresher module
  • Bring PPE and high visibility jacket